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Posted by: LaPulga10 at Apr 18th, 2024, 10:42 pm in History

An Invincible Beast: Understanding the Hellenistic Pike Phalanx in Action by Christopher Matthew
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 6.1 MB
Overview: The Hellenistic pike-phalanx was a true military innovation, transforming the face of warfare in the ancient world. For nearly 200 years, from the rise of the Macedonians as a military power in the mid-fourth century BC, to their defeat at the hands of the Romans at Pydna in 168BC, the pike-wielding heavy infantryman (the phalangite) formed the basis of nearly every Hellenistic army to deploy on battlefields stretching from Italy to India. And yet, despite this dominance, and the vast literature dedicated to detailing the history of the Hellenistic world, there remains fierce debate among modern scholars about how infantry combat in this age was actually conducted.

Christopher Matthews critically examines phalanx combat by using techniques such as physical re-creation, experimental archaeology, and ballistics testing, and then comparing the findings of this testing to the ancient literary, artistic and archaeological evidence, as well as modern theories. The result is the most comprehensive and up-to-date study of what heavy infantry combat was like in the age of Alexander the Great and his successors.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History

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Posted by: LaPulga10 at Apr 18th, 2024, 10:30 pm in History

The Art of Renaissance Warfare: From The Fall of Constantinople to the Thirty Years War by Stephen Turnbull
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 54.8 MB
Overview: The Art of Renaissance Warfare tells the story of the knight during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries – from the great victories of Edward III and the Black Prince to the fall of Richard III on Bosworth Field.

During this period, new technology on the battlefield posed deadly challenges for the mounted warrior; but they also stimulated change, and the knight moved with the times. Having survived the longbow devastation at Crécy, Poitiers and Agincourt, he emerged triumphant, his armor lighter and more effective, and his military skills indispensable.

This was the great age of the orders of chivalry and the freemasonry of arms that bound together comrades and adversaries in a tight international military caste. Men such as Bertrand du Guesclin and Sir John Chandos loom large in the pages of this book – bold leaders and brave warriors, imbued with these traditions of chivalry and knighthood. How their heroic endeavors and the knightly code of conduct could be reconciled with the indiscriminate carnage of the 'chevauchée' and the depredations of the 'free companies' is one of the principal themes of this informative and entertaining book.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History

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Posted by: superfragil at Apr 18th, 2024, 10:19 pm in General Fiction/Classics

Soldados de Salamina by Javier Cercas
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 430 kb
Overview: Un joven periodista topa por casualidad con una historia fascinante, y muy significativa, de la Guerra Civil española, y se propone reconstruirla. Cuando las tropas republicanas se retiran hacia la frontera francesa, camino del exilio, en el desorden de la desbandada alguien toma la decisión de fusilar a un grupo de presos franquistas. Entre ellos se halla Rafael Sánchez-Mazas, fundador e ideólogo de Falange, quizás uno de los responsables directos del conflicto fratricida. Pero Sánchez-Mazas no sólo logra escapar del fusilamiento colectivo, sino que, cuando los republicanos salen en su busca, un miliciano anónimo le encañona y en el último momento le perdona la vida. Su buena estrella le permitirá vivir emboscado hasta el final de la guerra, protegido por un grupo de campesinos de la región, aunque siempre recordará a aquel miliciano de extraña mirada que no lo delató. El narrador se propone desentrañar el secreto del enigmático Sánchez-Mazas, de su asombrosa aventura de guerra, pero sólo para acabar descubriendo, en un quiebro inesperado, que el significado de esta historia se encuentra donde menos podía esperarlo, porque uno no encuentra lo que busca, sino lo que la realidad le entrega .
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics

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Posted by: superfragil at Apr 18th, 2024, 9:55 pm in General Fiction/Classics

The Word of the Speechless: Selected Stories by Julio Ramón Ribeyro
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 693 kb
Overview: The Peruvian writer Julio Ramón Ribeyro is one of the masters of the short story and a major contributor to the great flourishing of Latin American literature that followed the Second World War. In a letter to an editor, Ribeyro said about his stories, "in most of [them] those who are deprived of words in life find expression—the marginalized, the forgotten, those condemned to an existence without harmony and without voice. I have restored to them the breath they've been denied, and I've allowed them to modulate their own longings, outbursts, and distress." This is work of deep humanity, imbued with a disorienting lyricism that is Ribeyro's alone. The Word of the Speechless, edited and translated by Katherine Silver, introduces readers to an indispensable and unforgettable voice of Latin American fiction.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics

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Posted by: Ebook-Collector at Apr 18th, 2024, 8:40 pm in Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror

The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2017 by John Joseph Adams (Series Editor), Charles Yu (Guest Editor)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.75MB
Overview: Science fiction and fantasy can encompass so much, from far-future deep-space sagas to quiet contemporary tales to unreal kingdoms and beasts. But what the best of these stories do is the same across the genres—they illuminate the whole gamut of the human experience, interrogating our hopes and our fears. With a diverse selection of stories chosen by series editor John Joseph Adams and guest editor Charles Yu, The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2017 continues to explore the ever-expanding and changing world of SFF today, with Yu bringing his unique view literary, meta, and adventurous to the series’ third edition.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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Posted by: Ebook-Collector at Apr 18th, 2024, 8:20 pm in Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror

Mountain Dead by Jason Sizemore, Eugene Johnson (eds.)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1MB
Overview: Mountain Dead takes a look at the dark side of Appalachia, where the Undead walk, driven by old magic and worse, their hunger for us.

Almost Heaven…or is it?

The mountain's enduring beauty holds something dark. Something dreadful. Something hungry for our flesh, our brains. Something dead yet not quite dead, driven by magic as old as the coal seams and the hills.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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Posted by: Ebook-Collector at Apr 18th, 2024, 8:06 pm in Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror

Matt Rowley series by Patrick Freivald (Books 1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 10MB
Overview: Patrick Freivald is a four-time Bram Stoker Award nominee, a teacher (physics, robotics, American Sign Language), beekeeper, and author, and coach of an award-winning competition robotics team for high school students.
He lives in Western New York with his loving wife, birds, dogs, cats, and several million stinging insects.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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Posted by: miguel1984 at Apr 18th, 2024, 7:46 pm in Comics

Street Fighter Tribute by Jim Zub (Editor)
Requirements: .PDF reader, 322MB
Overview: Fine art meets martial arts in this collaborative tribute to the undisputed king of all fighting game franchises, Street Fighter.
Street Fighter Tribute features hundreds of original illustrations by artists from around the globe, each paying homage to their favorite Street Fighter characters in a dizzying array of styles. This video game art gallery in a book is bursting with inspiration, energy and a love for all things Street Fighter.
Genre: Comics

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