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Posted by: LaPulga10 at Today, 12:47 am in Audiobooks

The Empire of Necessity: Slavery, Freedom, and Deception in the New World by Greg Grandin
Requirements: .M4A/.M4B reader, 315.5 MB
Overview: From the acclaimed author of Fordlandia, the story of a remarkable slave rebellion that illuminates America' s struggle with slavery and freedom during the Age of Revolution and beyond

One morning in 1805, off a remote island in the South Pacific, Captain Amasa Delano, a New England seal hunter, climbed aboard a distressed Spanish ship carrying scores of West Africans he thought were slaves. They weren' t. Having earlier seized control of the vessel and slaughtered most of the crew, they were staging an elaborate ruse, acting as if they were humble servants. When Delano, an idealistic, anti-slavery republican, finally realized the deception, he responded with explosive violence. Drawing on research on four continents, The Empire of Necessity explores the multiple forces that culminated in this extraordinary event - an event that already inspired Herman Melville' s masterpiece Benito Cereno. Now historian Greg Grandin, with the gripping storytelling that was praised in Fordlandia, uses the dramatic happenings of that day to map a new transnational history of slavery in the Americas, capturing the clash of peoples, economies, and faiths that was the New World in the early 1800s.
Genre: Audiobooks > Non-Fiction

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Posted by: LaPulga10 at Today, 12:47 am in History

The Empire of Necessity: Slavery, Freedom, and Deception in the New World by Greg Grandin
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 4.1 MB
Overview: From the acclaimed author of Fordlandia, the story of a remarkable slave rebellion that illuminates America's struggle with slavery and freedom during the Age of Revolution and beyond

One morning in 1805, off a remote island in the South Pacific, Captain Amasa Delano, a New England seal hunter, climbed aboard a distressed Spanish ship carrying scores of West Africans he thought were slaves. They weren't. In fact, they were performing an elaborate ruse, having risen up earlier and slaughtered most of the crew and officers. When Delano, an idealistic, anti-slavery republican, finally realized the deception-that the men and women he thought were humble slaves were actually running the ship-he rallied his crew to respond with explosive violence.

Drawing on research on four continents, The Empire of Necessity is the untold history of this extraordinary event and its bloody aftermath. Delano's blindness that day has already inspired one masterpiece-Herman Melville's Benito Cereno. Now historian Greg Grandin returns to these dramatic events to paint an indelible portrait of a world in the throes of revolution, providing a new transnational history of slavery in the Americas-and capturing the clash of peoples, economies, and faiths that was the New World in the early 1800s.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History

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Posted by: LaPulga10 at Yesterday, 10:53 pm in Audiobooks

The Revived Roman Empire: Europe in Bible Prophecy by Erika Grey
Requirements: .M4A/.M4B reader, 526.9 MB
Overview: The Revived Roman Empire: Europe in Bible Prophecy provides a historical overview of the Roman Empire to the present European Union. The European Union is the revived Roman Empire forecasted by the prophets Daniel and John in the Revelation that would reemerge in the latter days and launch the Antichrist.

The Revived Roman Empire: Europe in Bible Prophecy shows the listener the institutions and structures of the European Union that are described in the prophetic books written about 3,000 years ago. It also reveals the Catholic Church’s influence of the evolving European Union and how the evidence proves that it fits the biblical description for the revived Roman Empire. In addition, the listener discovers the relationship between the ancient prophetic writings, the European Union, and today's current affairs.

Erika Grey focuses on current affairs, the EU and its relation to Bible prophecy, and issues that affect individuals living in these end times, and she is the leading authority on the EU and Bible prophecy within the Evangelical Christian community.
Genre: Audiobooks > Non-Fiction

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Posted by: ScytheLucifer at Yesterday, 10:48 pm in Audiobooks

Realmbreaker, My Best Friend Is an Eldritch Horror 6 by Actus
Requirements: .M4A/.M4B reader, 501.5MB
Overview: The Corruption grows stronger–but so does Damien.

Damien left Mountain Hall victorious, eager to reunite with Sylph and spend some much-earned time relaxing. The Corruption has other ideas. Plans set into motion eons ago are finally clicking into place.

The greatest threat this Cycle has seen mounts on the horizon, but the nobles can’t even settle their petty disputes, much less present a united front against the end of the world. In the end, to Damien and Henry, it doesn’t matter. No matter who stands in their way, they refuse to let everything they’ve worked so hard to protect fall to the Corruption.

If the Mortal Plane is to continue existing, then there’s only one option.

They have to do what even the combined forces of the Void couldn’t–defeat Second once and for all.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction

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Posted by: LaPulga10 at Yesterday, 10:43 pm in Audiobooks

Mastering Differential Equations: The Visual Method by Robert L. Devaney
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 695.7 MB
Overview: For centuries, differential equations have been the key to unlocking nature's deepest secrets. Over 300 years ago, Isaac Newton invented differential equations to understand the problem of motion, and he developed calculus in order to solve differential equations.

Since then, differential equations have been the essential tool for analyzing the process of change, whether in physics, engineering, biology, or any other field where it's important to predict how something behaves over time.

The pinnacle of a mathematics education, differential equations assume a basic knowledge of calculus, and they have traditionally required the rote memorization of a vast "cookbook" of formulas and specialized tricks needed to find explicit solutions. Even then, most problems involving differential equations had to be simplified, often in unrealistic ways; and a huge number of equations defied solution at all using these techniques.

But that was before computers revolutionized the field, extending the reach of differential equations into previously unexplored areas and allowing solutions to be approximated and displayed in easy-to-grasp computer graphics. For the first time, a method exists that can start a committed learner on the road to mastering this beautiful application of the ideas and techniques of calculus.
Genre: Audiobooks > Non-Fiction

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Posted by: LaPulga10 at Yesterday, 10:36 pm in History

The Great Battle Never Fought: The Mine Run Campaign, November 26 – December 2, 1863 (Emerging Civil War Series) by Chris Mackowski
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 19.5 MB
Overview: After his stunning victory at Gettysburg in July of 1863, the Union commander spent the following months trying to bring the Army of Northern Virginia to battle once more and finish the job. The Confederate army, robbed of much of its offensive strength, nevertheless parried Meade’s moves time after time. Although the armies remained in constant contact during those long months of cavalry clashes, quick maneuvers, and sudden skirmishes, Lee continued to frustrate Meade’s efforts.

Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C., Meade’s political enemies launched an all-out assault against his reputation and generalship. Even the very credibility of his victory at Gettysburg came under assault. Pressure mounted for the army commander to score a decisive victory and prove himself once more.

Smaller victories, like those at Bristoe Station and Rappahannock Station, did little to quell the growing clamor—particularly because out west, in Chattanooga, another Union general, Ulysses S. Grant, was once again reversing Federal misfortunes. Meade needed a comparable victory in the east.

And so, on Thanksgiving Day, 1863, the Army of the Potomac rumbled into motion once more, intent on trying again to bring about the great battle that would end the war.

The Great Battle Never Fought: The Mine Run Campaign, November 26-December 2 1863 recounts the final chapter of the forgotten fall of 1863—when George Gordon Meade made one final attempt to save the Union and, in doing so, save himself.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History

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Posted by: LaPulga10 at Yesterday, 10:29 pm in History

A War of Empires: Japan, India, Burma & Britain: 1941–45 by Robert Lyman
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 11.6 MB
Overview: In 1941 and 1942 the British and Indian Armies were brutally defeated and Japan reigned supreme in its newly conquered territories throughout Asia. But change was coming. New commanders were appointed, significant training together with restructuring took place, and new tactics were developed. A War of Empires by acclaimed historian Robert Lyman expertly retells these coordinated efforts and describes how a new volunteer Indian Army, rising from the ashes of defeat, would ferociously fight to turn the tide of war.

But victory did not come immediately. It wasn't until March 1944, when the Japanese staged their famed 'March on Delhi', that the years of rebuilding reaped their reward and after bitter fighting, the Japanese were finally defeated at Kohima and Imphal. This was followed by a series of extraordinary victories culminating in Mandalay in May 1945 and the collapse of all Japanese forces in Burma. The Indian Army's contribution has been consistently forgotten and ignored by many Western historians, Robert Lyman proves how vital this hard-fought campaign was in securing Allied victory in the east, defeating Japanese militarism and ultimately redrawing the map of the region with an independent India, free from the shackles of empire, all but guaranteed.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History

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Posted by: LaPulga10 at Yesterday, 10:25 pm in History

Romania's Holy War: Soldiers, Motivation, and the Holocaust (Battlegrounds: Cornell Studies in Military History) by Grant T. Harward
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.8 MB
Overview: Romania's Holy War rights the widespread myth that Romania was a reluctant member of the Axis during World War II. In correcting this fallacy, Grant T. Harward shows that, of an estimated 300,000 Jews who perished in Romania and Romanian-occupied Ukraine, more than 64,000 were, in fact, killed by Romanian soldiers. Moreover, the Romanian Army conducted a brutal campaign in German-occupied Ukraine, resulting in the deaths of thousands of Soviet prisoners of war, partisans, and civilians. Investigating why Romanian soldiers fought and committed such atrocities, Harward argues that strong ideology―a cocktail of nationalism, religion, antisemitism, and anticommunism―undergirded their motivation.

Romania's Holy War draws on official military records, wartime periodicals, soldiers' diaries and memoirs, subsequent war crimes investigations, and recent interviews with veterans to tell the full story. Harward integrates the Holocaust into the narrative of military operations to show that most soldiers fully supported the wartime dictator, General Ion Antonescu, and his regime's holy war against "Judeo-Bolshevism." The army perpetrated mass reprisals, targeting Jews in liberated Romanian territory; supported the deportation and concentration of Jews in camps or ghettos in Romanian-occupied Soviet territory; and played a key supporting role in SS efforts to exterminate Jews in German-occupied Soviet territory.

Harward proves that Romania became Nazi Germany's most important ally in the war against the USSR because its soldiers were highly motivated, thus overturning much of what we thought we knew about this theater of war. Romania's Holy War provides the first complete history of why Romanian soldiers fought on the Eastern Front.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History

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