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Posted by: HansAdam at Yesterday, 9:43 am in Health, Fitness & Self-help

Lose Weight Now The Easy Way by Allen Carr
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.3mb
Overview: Reading this book is all you need to do to take control of what you eat. There are no scare tactics and eating less will not feel like deprivation; quite the opposite in fact-you will feel much happier. The Easyway method removes your psychological dependence on comfort eating and junk food, setting you free to live as you choose. Once learned, the principles can never be unlearned, ensuring that the benefits in health and well-being you experience will be permanent.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help

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Posted by: swades at Yesterday, 9:36 am in Magazines & Newspapers

The Wall Street Journal - April 22, 2024
Requirements: .PDF reader, 27 Mb
Overview: The Wall Street Journal is an American business-focused daily newspaper based in New York City.
Genre: Magazines & Newspapers

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Posted by: VielBiern at Yesterday, 9:29 am in History

The New Islamic Dynasties: A Chronological and Genealogical Manual by Clifford Edmund Bosworth (The New Edinburgh Islamic Surveys)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 4 mb
Overview: Those coming to the study of Islamic history for the first time face a baffling array of rulers and dynasties in the many different areas of Islam. This book provides a comprehensive and reliable reference source for all students of history and culture. It lists by name the rulers of all the principal Islamic dynasties with Hijri and Common Era dates. Each dynastic list is followed by a brief assessment of its historical significance, and by a short bibliography. Fully updated and substantially revised and expanded for a modern audience, this handbook is based upon Bosworth's renowned The Islamic Dynasties, first published in 1967 and revised in 1980.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History

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Posted by: HansAdam at Yesterday, 9:25 am in Educational

Komisch, alles chemisch! Handys, Kaffee, Emotionen – wie man mit Chemie wirklich alles erklären kann by Dr. Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 5.2mb
Overview: Chemie ist alles – was wir tun, was uns umgibt, was wir fühlen, alles hat mit Chemie zu tun. Glauben Sie nicht? Die junge Wissenschaftlerin und Journalistin Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim tritt in diesem spannenden Pop-Science-Buch den munteren Beweis an und zerlegt Alltagsphänomene in ihre chemischen Elemente. Witzig und originell erklärt sie, welche chemischen Reaktionen in und um uns herum insgeheim ablaufen, und macht vor allem eins: Lust auf Chemie.

Der Tagesablauf dient der jungen Wissenschaftlerin und Journalistin Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim als roter Faden, der durch die ganze Welt von organischer, anorganischer und physikalischer Chemie führt:
Der Tag beginnt mit der Chemie des Aufwachens, mit Melatonin- und Cortisol-Spiegel. Wir erfahren, wann der richtige Zeitpunkt für den ersten Kaffee ist, warum Fluoride in der Zahnpasta enthalten sein sollten und warum das Chaos, das uns im Arbeitszimmer auf dem Schreibtisch erwartet, vom Universum gewollt ist. Wir lernen Neues über die Zusammensetzung von Gorillaglas und die Funktionsweise von Handyakkus, wie sie länger halten und warum sie manchmal explodieren. Wir verstehen plötzlich, warum nur Aluminiumsalze gegen Schweißflecken helfen, wieso Schweiß überhaupt stinkt und was man dagegen wirklich tun kann. Beim Einkauf im Supermarkt klärt Mai Thi, ob sich mit Sauerstoff angereichertes „Sport-Mineralwasser“ wirklich lohnt. Am Abend verrät sie das Geheimnis eines perfekten Schokotörtchens – und natürlich geht es zu fortgeschrittener Stunde auch darum, was auf molekularer Ebene eigentlich los ist, wenn die Chemie zwischen zwei Menschen stimmt.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational

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Posted by: VielBiern at Yesterday, 9:21 am in History

Swinging Britain: Fashion in the 1960s by Mark Armstrong (Shire Library, 9)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 9 mb
Overview: Travel back in time to the era when Carnaby Street led the world, a golden age of youthful innovation and exhilarating pop culture, and a fashion scene that defined a generation.

The 1960s was one of the most exciting fashion decades of the twentieth century, during which British pop and youth culture gave birth to styles that would set international trends. This book reveals how the sweeping social changes of the 1960s affected the British look, how designers and entrepreneurs such as Mary Quant and John Stephen made London the fashion city of the decade, and the influence of public figures such as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Cathy McGowan, Twiggy and Jean Shrimpton on the national identity of a country finally recovering from a prolonged period of austerity.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History

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Posted by: VielBiern at Yesterday, 9:16 am in History

The Medieval Monastery by Roger Rosewell (Shire Library, 687)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 10 mb
Overview: An illustrated look at life in abbeys and priories, and within the monastic orders, in the middle ages.

Monasteries are among the most intriguing and enduring symbols of Britain's medieval heritage. Simultaneously places of prayer and spirituality, power and charity, learning and invention, they survive today as haunting ruins, great houses and as some of our most important cathedrals and churches.

This book examines the growth of monasticism and the different orders of monks; the architecture and administration of monasteries; the daily life of monks and nuns; the art of monasteries and their libraries; their role in caring for the poor and sick; their power and wealth; their decline and suppression; and their ruin and rescue.

With beautiful photographs, it illustrates some of Britain's finest surviving monastic buildings such as the cloisters of Gloucester Cathedral and the awe-inspiring ruins of Rievaulx Abbey in North Yorkshire.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History

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Posted by: lexie92 at Yesterday, 9:16 am in Mystery/Thriller

The Blackbird Conspiracy by Ted Bolerjack
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 0.4 Mb
Overview: A RACE AGAINST TIME TO UNCOVER A SINISTER PLOT IN WORLD WAR II. The D-Day Invasion of Normandy in June 1944 kindled a flicker of hope in war-torn Europe that the war would be over by Christmas of that year. At this turning point of history, Richard Thorne, a veteran agent with Churchill's Secret Army, is responsible for gathering intelligence on the German war machine prior to the final Allied assault against the Third Reich.
Behind enemy lines, Thorne has become something of a legend, his continued survival not merely a product of good fortune, but of his unparalleled skill in dodging the ever-watchful eye of the German authorities. Yet, it was amidst the chaos of the ensuing onslaught, operating alongside his steadfast companion Anna Larsen, a Dutch Resistance partisan, that Thorne's greatest challenge would emerge. A shadow within their ranks, a traitor, threatens the entire upcoming Allied offensive against Nazi-occupied Holland.
Forced to choose between the obligations of his duty versus the dictates of his heart, Thorne follows a path fraught with danger, ignoring orders to dismiss what his superiors view as mere whispers of conspiracy. Time is of the essence as Thorne faces an agonizing decision to secure the success of his mission that could change the course of the war or to save the woman whose spirit has become intertwined with his own.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller > Historical

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Posted by: KirIif' at Yesterday, 9:14 am in Magazines & Newspapers

The Washington Post - April 22, 2024
Requirements: .PDF reader, 13.5 MB | True PDF
Overview: The Washington Post, morning daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C.
Genre: Magazines & Newspapers

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