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Feb 19th, 2017, 4:16 am
Planescape: Torment: The novel by Rhyss Hess
Requirements: any PDF Reader, 2.77MB
Overview: "Even after playing Planescape: Torment several times, I found I was still interested in going back and replaying some scenes, just to read through the excellent dialog again. What I really would have liked would have been a listing of the dialogs in the game, which brought about the project you are reading here.

I decided not to literally pull the dialog trees from the game, since in a linear format like this it would have made for very awkward reading. Instead, I followed one path through the game, creating a written story from the source material. The quoted speech, along with much of the other material, is taken directly from the game and only lightly edited.

It is possible to read the entire, continuous story. I have suppressed much of the combat in the game to concentrate on the story and the interaction with the characters, and some sections and characters have been entirely omitted. Even so,the entire document runs to over 150,000 words. It is also possible to skip to certain sections, re-reading selected portions of the story, hopefully allowing you a new chance to appreciate the writing, or perhaps discovering a dialog option you had not investigated before.

If by chance you are reading this without first having played Planescape: Torment, and what you read is of any interest at all, get the game and play it; the actual game, including excellent voice-acting, music, art and game system, is a much richer experience."
Genre: Fiction, Novel, Gaming


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Feb 19th, 2017, 4:16 am