Book reviews by Mobilism's Book Review team
Apr 27th, 2016, 4:35 pm
Aulien wrote:
skydancer8 wrote:Then there's the love interests: the control freak neighbour who keeps a photo of Mercy in his bedroom (can we say f***ing creepy!) and the ex who wanted to marry her (when she was 16!) for her uterus.


But wait, it gets worse.
“My father told me what he told you.” His voice started calmly enough, but there was a tinge of anger weaving itself through his words as he continued. “But you should have known all of that already. I didn’t hide anything.”/quote]

You should read the rest of the books for these things are explained. Yes Adam has her photo in the bedroom, but to protect her from his pack he had to claim her as his mate, which she thought was only in word. Well it was not.
As for Samuel he is old, almost old as his father, in his time women were married because they could give you children and to cook, clean etc. Did you know that in the middle ages the lowest age for marriage was 12?
I've also reread the whole series, but I didn't find it lacking like you even though it has been 6 year since I've started to follow the series.

Hi Aulien, sorry it took me a while to get back to you. I actually read up to and through River Marked before giving up on this series, and I still don't think it gets any better. Also RE the Medieval marriage age thing - that's actually not very true; historically the nobility might marry that young (it's definitely true that girls could legally be married at 12 in some parts of Medieval Europe) but the common people thought it was as gross and creepy as most of us do today. This is something that's only been discussed/discovered relatively recently, because one of the downsides of history is that there's a lot more sources/evidence for how the nobility lived in a given time period than there are for the common people. But church records for most of Medieval Europe show that the average age of marriage was 18-23 for the vast majority of people. Marriage at 12 was never considered normal by a societal majority, at least not in Europe (can't speak for other continents).
Apr 27th, 2016, 4:35 pm
Sep 10th, 2016, 4:19 am
Super Late since I'm Kind of new here but gee I think that's a kind of harsh analysis. Don't mind me though I’m a devout fan. I guess what I want to say is Brigg's creates a fantasy world the whole point is it’s not real. Also I think the author's message is that Mercy a woman living in a misogynistic for lack of a better word right now society, is able to prove women aren't frail flowers. Mercy can be the biggest bad ass in the room and she can take on the biggest and badest monsters. Women are not always the Damsel in distress. Also The Columbia Basin Pack are making changes turning the werewollf world on its head. No changes to the ranking system yet but i have hope. and that's the beauty of the world Briggs created I'm sitting here talking about the pack as if its real. I have yet to get tired of this series lol. Your review definitely made me look at the series a little more deeply though.
Sep 10th, 2016, 4:19 am
Jun 14th, 2017, 11:22 pm
I don't understand the criticism of her childhood sweetheart and his actions to do with the seduction of her teen self (sorry I don't remember his name) It wasn't held up as a good thing, in fact, it was something Mercy had a huge problem with. it was there for the angst but also to showcase how out of time and outmoded his thinking was.
Jun 14th, 2017, 11:22 pm
Jul 4th, 2017, 12:14 pm
I can understand your point of view but for me Patricia Briggs will always be an awesome author, specially her Mercy Thompson series and how her relationship with Adam develops along the books.
Jul 4th, 2017, 12:14 pm
Jul 6th, 2023, 10:14 pm

Just found this series in the quest of finding new and interesting authors.
The series is highly entertaining, filled wit hcast of interesting and sassy characters, trite moments with lots of twists and shenanigans.

It's almost a Dad joke:
There was a wolf, a vampire, elf (can't remember what Z is) and a coyote . . . But wait, there's more: a crazy, delusional vampire, a masochistic, napoleonic vampire, a idealistic, moralistic vampire, etc.

Can't wait for book 14 in the series!
Jul 6th, 2023, 10:14 pm