Feedback or requests for help with the site.
Oct 12th, 2015, 7:07 pm
For the ebooks, I've been meaning to suggest this. Right now we just have a "Top Releases" for the whole ebook releases category (which I'd like to see longer than 15 items). It'd be really nice to have this for all of the ebook sub categories like: Sci Fi/ Fantasy and Young Adult have a column like that. I'd like to see what the other readers are reading that might appeal to me (some of those categories never make it to that list).

Depending on how you're calculating this (views or thank you clicks), I wouldn't mind see the requests and fulfilled too! I''d like to follow some of the super-new or non yet fulfilled topics. Plus, it might increase donations for people to see something before its found and add to the WRZ$ total...

An alternate suggestion:
Have the top releases have a category column with abbreviations (SF, YA, Rom, Erot, Bio, etc) and but make the list a little longer. I've found a few good books on this list, but most times I ending clicking items with NO interest and this extra bit of info would help.

The release pages could have a small column with those abbreviations too (SF, YA, Rom, Erot, Bio, etc). Or share a column, most of those columns are more than one row anyways.

Another better(?) alternate suggestion:
Just a separate top releases page. It's got all the categories with longer versions of the lists.

The "overall" timeline is nice, but it rarely changes (only one book from the last two years) and definitely needs to be longer.

my 2 bits...
Oct 12th, 2015, 7:07 pm