The graphic novels loved by children and adults alike
May 14th, 2011, 1:20 pm
The New Ice Age by Philippe Bonifay and G.J. Arnaud [English+French]
Requirements: CBR Reader. 247 MB / 254 MB.
Overview: About 2050, the Moon explodes, mined by the nuclear waste stored by the men. A gangue of various dust encircles the Earth, depriving it of solar light and heat. The night post-catastrophe settles. The ices go up driving back the surviving populations towards protected small islands. Around 2350, a new civilization settled, dominated by clans which control the railway lines, thus replacing the capacity of the state-nations. 2350. The Earth is not any more that one icecap strewn with domes under which live various populations. The people are, one suspects it, most unhappy: he lives under temperatures of less 15°. The Pointsmen is the Masters of the rail, of which the currency.

    A post-apocalyptic vision of the earth where the moon has exploded and covered the earth with its dust, creating an atmosphere that does not let the sun's rays. A new ice age forcing survivors to live in cities under globes connected together by major railways, which prevail over their networks. It is a blend of science fiction, thriller, novel black novel of espionage and romance of train station.

Genre: Comics, Post-Apocalyptic, Sci Fi, Scanlation.

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The New Ice Age / La Compagnie des glaces
    Base from the novel by G.J. Arnaud.
    Philippe Bonifay, G.J. Arnaud story, writer
    Studio Jotim arts, colors
    Published by Dargaud, 2003-2009.
    Scanlation Team: Dragonz

      Compagnie Des Glaces I:
        Compagnie des glaces (La) 01 Jdrien - Lien Rag (09/2003)
        Compagnie des glaces (La) 02 Jdrien - Floa Sadon (11/2003)
        Compagnie des glaces (La) 03 Jdrien - Kurts (03/2004)
        Compagnie des glaces (La) 04 Jdrien - Frère Pierre (11/2004)
        Compagnie des glaces (La) 05 Jdrien - Jdrou (03/2005)
        Compagnie des glaces (La) 06 Jdrien - Yeuse (08/2005)
        Compagnie des glaces (La) 07 Jdrien - Pietr (11/2005)
      Compagnie Des Glaces II:
        Compagnie des glaces (La) 08 Cabaret Miki - Le peuple du sel (06/2006)
        Compagnie des glaces (La) 09 Cabaret Miki - Otage des glaces (10/2006)
        Compagnie des glaces (La) 10 Cabaret Miki - Zone Occidentale (04/2007)
        Compagnie des glaces (La) 11 Cabaret Miki - Big Tube (11/2007)
        Compagnie des glaces (La) 12 Cabaret Miki - La fin d'un rêve (04/2008)
      Compagnie Des Glaces III:
        Compagnie des glaces (La) 13- Terror point (11/2008)
        Compagnie des glaces (La) 14 Terre de feu, Terre de sang (05/2009)
        Compagnie des glaces (La) 15 Le feu de la discorde (11/2009)

The Plot:
    In the year 2340, Earth is invaded by ice. Political power is in the hands of totalitarian railways. Link Rag, a glaciologist, is seeking to know who the mysterious red-haired men, only creatures able to withstand cold and oppression of the companies. The answer lies in the rubble of F-Station, a city rail reduced to a heap of scrap metal by order of the authorities. But he must reckon with Floa, the daughter of a governor, decided to use his influence to counter his research.
    Second phase of a project as ambitious as exciting: adapt the cartoon saga of writer G.-J. River Arnaud. A fresco started in 1980 by Editions Black River, which now totals a whopping more than 60 volumes representing some 15 000 pages! Declination in comics of this monument of literature anticipating should result in the release of albums grouped in cycles. Work of the Titans (un) measuring the magnitude of the work of GJ Arnaud, led ably by Studio Jotim under the direction of screenwriter Philippe Bonifay and Chris Rossi.
    Once is not custom: the adaptation of The Grand Star is not the work of a couple classic writer / illustrator. Here it is a real collaborative project that brings together the talents and enthusiasm of a team composed specially for the occasion: the studio Jotim. A studio "virtual" mode of operation since its original members, scattered all over France, communicate through the Internet.
    Philippe Bonifay, screenwriter and author of the dialogue, oversees and coordinates their work by ensuring strict observance of fidelity to the original story. Christian Rossi, it determines the identity of the albums chart before handing over to different designers as Terpant, or Lidwine Lereculey. Each of them realizes part of the design of each album, while others are responsible for documentation and colors.

Download Instructions: -- The New Ice Age Jdrien Cycle - T01 Lien Rag 2003 -- The New Ice Age Jdrien Cycle - T02 Floa Sadon 2003 -- The New Ice Age Jdrien Cycle - T03 Kurts 2004 -- The New Ice Age Jdrien Cycle - T04 Brother Petrus 2004 -- The New Ice Age Jdrien Cycle - T05 Jdrou 2005 -- The New Ice Age Jdrien Cycle - T06 Yeuse 2006 -- The New Ice Age Jdrien Cycle - T07 Pietr 2006

May 14th, 2011, 1:20 pm

Labor Omnia Vincit Improbus... Hard Work Conquers Everything!
May 27th, 2011, 5:54 am
Added new issue:

The New Ice Age: Jdrien Cycle - T02 Floa Sadon (2003)
May 27th, 2011, 5:54 am

Post rewarded by merry60 on May 27th, 2011, 9:07 am.
+ 5 WRZ$ for update # 2

Labor Omnia Vincit Improbus... Hard Work Conquers Everything!
May 30th, 2011, 10:02 am
Added new issue:

The New Ice Age: Jdrien Cycle - T03 Kurts (2004)
May 30th, 2011, 10:02 am

Post rewarded by merry60 on May 30th, 2011, 10:07 am.
+ 5 WRZ$ for update # 3

Labor Omnia Vincit Improbus... Hard Work Conquers Everything!
Jun 9th, 2011, 8:06 am
Added new issues plus Zacharie's mirrors:

The New Ice Age Jdrien Cycle - T04 Brother Petrus (2004)
The New Ice Age Jdrien Cycle - T05 Jdrou (2005)
Jun 9th, 2011, 8:06 am

Post rewarded by merry60 on Jun 11th, 2011, 9:41 am.
+10 for updates 4-5 + 3 for mirror

Labor Omnia Vincit Improbus... Hard Work Conquers Everything!
Jun 19th, 2011, 5:13 am
Added new issue:

The New Ice Age Jdrien Cycle - T06 Yeuse (2006)
Jun 19th, 2011, 5:13 am

Post rewarded by Tattle on Jun 19th, 2011, 5:17 am.
+5 wrz for update! Thnx!

Labor Omnia Vincit Improbus... Hard Work Conquers Everything!
Jun 19th, 2011, 6:02 pm
Added new issue:

The New Ice Age Jdrien Cycle - T07 Pietr (2006)

Thanks Zach!
Jun 19th, 2011, 6:02 pm

Post rewarded by merry60 on Jun 20th, 2011, 8:49 am.
+5 WRZ$ for update

Labor Omnia Vincit Improbus... Hard Work Conquers Everything!
Sep 2nd, 2014, 2:18 pm
Added French:


La Compagnie des glaces

    Vers 2050, la Lune explose, minée par les déchets nucléaires entreposés par les hommes. Une gangue de poussières diverses encercle la Terre, la privant de lumière et de chaleur solaires. La nuit post-catastrophe s'installe. Les glaces montent refoulant les populations survivantes vers des îlots protégés. Aux environs de 2350, une nouvelle civilisation s'est installée, dominée par des clans qui contrôlent les lignes ferroviaires, remplaçant ainsi le pouvoir des états-nations. 2350. La Terre n'est plus qu'une calotte glaciaire parsemée de dômes sous lesquels vivent des populations diverses. Le peuple est, on s'en doute, le plus malheureux : il vit sous des températures de moins de 15°. Les Aiguilleurs sont les maîtres du rail, dont la devise, l'immobilité, c'est la mort, la mobilité, c'est la vie indique bien que les villes, les habitations peuvent être transportées à tout instant. Voici les Actionnaires qui contrôlent tout, et surtout les richesses. Ils vivent dans une opulence qui contraste avec la misère du Peuple. Et puis, les Roux, de mystérieux êtres imperméables au froid et dotés d'un appétit sexuel impressionnant. Qui sont-ils, d'où viennent-ils ? Seront-ils le moteur qui fera s'écrouler une société de l'injustice, de l'arbitraire et de la violence ? Effectivement, à l'image d'une banquise, tout semble figé dans ce monde cloisonné. Jusqu'au jour où un simple fonctionnaire, Lien Rag, commence à poser des questions dérangeantes, propres à faire vaciller les forteresses sur rail.
Sep 2nd, 2014, 2:18 pm

Labor Omnia Vincit Improbus... Hard Work Conquers Everything!