The graphic novels loved by children and adults alike
Aug 1st, 2014, 1:22 pm
The Time Brigade by Christophe Goret and Bruno Duhamel
Requirements: CBR Reader, 198 MB.
Overview: "Our future is in the hands of the past", is the motto of the uchronian agents. Their mission is to protect history from changes caused by time travel and, where appropriate, to divert the timeline back onto as close a path to the official history as possible, so that the future of humanity is not compromised. But it is a dangerous job and sometimes losses are heavy. So when the general in charge of the control center discovers that Christopher Columbus has been killed on landing in America, beginning an alternate history in which America is not discovered, all he has to straighten the course of history, is a temperamental agent, under close arrest, and a rookie. An unorthodox team that will have to convince Martin Alonzo Pinzon, second captain of Columbus's expedition, to reattempt the voyage.

Genre: Comics, Adventure, Humour, History, Sci-Fi, Time Travel, Scanlation, On Going.

    Image Image

The Time Brigade / Les brigades du temps
    Christophe Goret (AKA: Kris)
    Bruno Duhamel art, pencils
    Laurence Croix colours
    Scanlation Team by phillywilly

Download Instructions:
The Time Brigade 01 1492, All Quiet on the Western Front! (2012)
The Time Brigade 02 The Grand Armada (2013)

Aug 1st, 2014, 1:22 pm

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