Feedback or requests for help with the site.
Mar 25th, 2020, 7:46 pm
Lately, I need to log into the site more frequently than I used to.

I used to have to log in every week it seemed, and when I would use the blue-arrow links I'd have to log in once at the beginning of any given session and then I could just download other things without having to put in my creds again.

Lately every time I use the blue-arrow links I have to enter my creds for each page, including subsequently on pages during the same session, one after the next, after the next.

I have not found an option in the control panel that would keep me logged in (yes, I've see the 'log me in automatically for each visit', but that's not quite doing it) so that visiting the site, or using the blue-arrow links, it would just retain my creds for a much longer period.

QQ: :idea: Any idea if there is a way to make it so I don't have to enter my creds nearly so often?


Mar 25th, 2020, 7:46 pm