Feedback or requests for help with the site.
Aug 21st, 2020, 6:59 pm
Hello, I'm a new member here and I have read the rules on posting requests. This morning I posted a request for the ebook, "The Nine Day Queen" by Ella March Chase. I explained that the the title is not available in the US in an electronic format and that I tried to buy the title through Amazon UK but was denied based on that I reside in the US. I did offer to reimburse whoever fulfilled my request via Paypal in addition to wrz$'s offered.
I noticed either my post never made it through or it was removed, so I just re-posted my request without the reimbursement offer.
Did I violate any rule with my original post offering reimbursement?
Thank you for reading
Aug 21st, 2020, 6:59 pm
Aug 21st, 2020, 9:23 pm
Check your PMs please, I believe one of the eBook moderators already explained the reason.
Aug 21st, 2020, 9:23 pm