The graphic novels loved by children and adults alike
Jan 29th, 2017, 3:14 am
Liō series by Mark Tatulli (5 Books)
Requirements: ePUB/MOBI/CBZ Reader, 162MB, 182MB, 69MB, 53MB, 56MB
Overview: Mark Tatulli is a comic artist and film maker, mostly known for his dark comedic newspaper strip Liō. He is the recipient of three Emmy Awards. He works for Banyan Productions. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and children.
Genre: Comics | Children/Young Adult | Humor


Liō: Happiness is a Squishy Cephalopod - * LIO is a pantomime strip featuring a curious young boy whose daydreams embark from reality destined for the dark chasm where wit and sarcasm collide.
Drawn in the age-old style of pantomime strips, LIO offers a decidedly new and edgy twist to the wordless comic format. That's right, LIO is so crafty it doesn't need word balloons, dialogue boxes, or clever captions. Mark Tatulli's cartoon also employs a unique drawing style influenced by cartooning greats Gahan Wilson, Charles Addams, and 19th-century satirist A. J. Volck.
* In describing his strip, Tatulli explains he was eager "to bring something truly different to the comics pages . . . something to appeal to all ages, drawn in pictures only. To tell a story without text, while updating the pantomime concept with a modern audience in mind."
* The result is a mind-bendingly humorous and astute journey into the darkly detailed world of young LiO--where a spit wad can put a school bus out of commission faster than a spider can hamper the efforts of the U.S. Postal Service.

Silent But Deadly: Another Liō Collection - Having been distinguished by Variety as "a fast riser," Mark Tatulli's morbidly mirthful pantomime comic strip, LIO, is humorously astute and just slightly askew in its perception of the world.
Centered around an odd, ghostly-pale child named LIO, and his creepy coterie of friends, including a giant squid named Ishmael and a scythe-carrying grim reaper, LIO; is influenced by cartooning greats Gahan Wilson, Charles Addams, and 19th-century satirist A. J. Volck.

Lio: There's a Monster in My Socks - For the first time, the creepy, crawly, awesome world of Lio in a kid-targeted book.
The world of Lio is filled with the extraordinary—monsters under the bed, wild reptile pets, robot inventions, weird science—but it’s all commonplace for this most uncommon young man. Mark Tatulli renders this pantomime strip in pen-and-ink style, giving the artwork a dark, spidery feel to match the strip’s dark humor. Lio explores the twisted realm of a kid’s imagination—at once bizarre, creepy, and fun. Now, in this collection edited specially for kids, Lio is available to his most dedicated fans.

Reheated Liō: A Delicious Liō Collection Ready to Devour (Liō #4) - Distinguished by Variety as "a fast riser," Mark Tatulli's morbidly mirthful comic strip Lio proves that happiness is indeed a modified Snuggie for you and your favorite eight-armed cephalopod. Reheated Lio, the fourth Lio cartoon collection, includes 40 weeks of color Sunday strips as well as black-and-white daily strips.
Drawn in the style of cartooning greats Gahan Wilson, Charles Addams, and 19th-century satirist A. J. Volck, Lio is a pantomime strip that tells its story without any dialogue or cartoon captions. Fans of Lio recognize the spiky-haired ghostly pale youngster as a curious scientist, a comic-book fan, the defender of the defenseless, and the creator of a legion of zombie bunnies, flanked by his creepy coterie of friends, including giant squid Ishmael and the scythe-carrying grim reaper.

Lio: Making Friends - Creepy, crawly, slimy, and awesome! Welcome to the darkly detailed world of spiky-haired Lio.
A curious young scientist and comic book fan, Lio is the defender of the defenseless and the inventor of a legion of zombie bunnies. Lio is joined in his day-to-day exploits by his exasperated and sleep-deprived father, a pet snake named Frank, a squid named Ishmael, and various imaginary robots and creepy, crawly monsters. Within this humorously macabre framework of sarcasm, parody, and high jinks, sidesplitting laughter abounds—all without so much as a word.

Download Instructions:

Happiness is a Squishy Cephalopod - CBZ - 162MB


Silent But Deadly - CBZ - 182MB


There's a Monster in My Socks - ePUB/MOBI - 69MB


Reheated Liō - ePUB/MOBI - 53MB


Lio: Making Friends - ePUB - 56MB
Jan 29th, 2017, 3:14 am

Please try ALL links, before using the reupload button :wave:
Nov 17th, 2018, 1:55 am
Liō: Happiness is a Squishy Cephalopod
Silent But Deadly: Another Liō Collection
Nov 17th, 2018, 1:55 am
Mar 8th, 2019, 6:50 pm
Lio: Making Friends
Mar 8th, 2019, 6:50 pm