Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Jan 6th, 2024, 3:17 pm
Sangria Forever by Lynn Joseph (Romance in Portugal)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.3 MB
Overview: Corrine Walker has always fallen for the bad boys. But is that about to change?
Life has not been easy for Corrine (or any of the Walker sisters) after losing her mother at a young age. Although she’s known as the “smart” sister, she has foolishly sought refuge with the wrong type of boys – the ones most likely to ghost her.

Now Corrine has one year in Portugal to reinvent herself. To show the world, and her sisters, that she’s more than brains and bad decisions – she’s strong, independent, and on her way to becoming a world-class English language translator for the intellectual crowd.

But Corrine’s dream takes a nosedive when European football legend Salvador Torres asks her to tutor his young daughter in English. Corrine needs the money, but does she want to spend time around the tall, handsome superstar with his legions of adoring fans and mysterious past? And where’s his baby mama anyway?

More importantly, why is he always inviting her to Sangria Nights to share a pitcher of sangria?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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Jan 6th, 2024, 3:17 pm