Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
May 5th, 2024, 5:00 pm
Whiskey River West series by Kelly Moore (Books 5, 7)
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Overview: Armed with books in the crook of my elbow, I can go anywhere. That’s my philosophy! Better yet, I’ll write the books that will take me on an adventure.

My heroes are a bit broken but will make you swoon. My heroines are their own kick-ass characters armed with humor and a plethora of sarcasm.

If I’m not tucked away in my writing den, with coffee firmly gripped in hand, you can find me with a book propped on my pillow, a pit bull lying across my legs, a Lab on the floor next to me, and two kittens running amuck.

My current adventure has me living in Idaho with my own gray-bearded hero, who’s put up with my shenanigans for over thirty years, and he doesn’t mind all my book boyfriends.

If you love romance, suspense, military men, lots of action and adventure infused with emotion, tear-worthy moments, and laugh-out-loud humor, dive into my books and let the world fall away at your feet.
Genre: Fiction > Romance

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#5 - Whiskey & Sunshine
She gave up on her dreams a long time ago. He's trying to break free from his family's hold on him. When she finally decides to move forward with what she was born to do, will he clip her wings before she can fly for the sake of his business?

Knox Daughtry moved to Montana to follow her family's dreams, not her own. She's tired of sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else ride off into the sunset of happiness. Knox is finally ready to lasso a life of her own. On a plane ride home from Kentucky, a handsome stranger disarms her, and she wants to know more about him.

Beck Maverick is a successful businessman and part owner of Maverick Whiskey. He's the brains, his brother is the charmer, and they don't mix well. Fed up with his family's threats and secrets, he craves his freedom and tries to distance himself from them. However, the minute he lays eyes on the woman who has come to meet his brother, he knows his loner lifestyle is about to change.

Disappointed in her handsome stranger but enchanted by his soft-spoken brother, Knox lets her guard down and is thrust into the middle of a family feud between all the Maverick men. One brother obsessed with her, the other trying to gain her trust.

Will she give him a chance? Or will she send them both out to pasture to protect her dreams?

#7 - Keep Him Wild
He has a playboy reputation. She’s new in town. Will his wild ways scare her off, or has he finally met a woman he can’t resist?

Blaise Calhoun is haunted by a past that’s kept him emotionally detached. He’s set an end date for every relationship he’s ever had to keep his heart safe. He works hard and plays hard, but he wears a mask to cover his real feelings. That is, until a newcomer makes him take a good long look at himself.

Thayer Hawkins is a romance author who needs a change of venue from the big city of Boston, so she moves in with her childhood friend and settles into country life. The first person Thayer meets has a handsome smile and is full of swagger… and apparently, every woman in town wants him. Her best friend warns her to stay clear of him, but there’s something about him she can’t walk away from.

She fights to keep him at arm’s length, but he wants to claim her as his own. Once the passion ignites between them, it’s hard to deny their feelings.

When things get tough, will their time together expire, or will he find the courage once and for all to hold on to what really matters?

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May 5th, 2024, 5:00 pm

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